The Sun, the Light & the New Year

It is the light. It is the angle and the amount of light this time of year in the Northern Hemisphere, which beckons both merriment & joy and also calls us into the Silence within.

From this inner place, we rather naturally assess the past year and offer gratitude for our many blessings. We begin to look toward the new. A sense of possibilities and direction begins to emerge– a new map of the New Year begins to clarify.

We are given another magical gift on the ‘sun still’ Solstice. The Sun completes its daily journey of rising closer and closer to the southernmost point in the Eastern sky, on Dec 21. Having achieved its mission it rests, rising in the same point on the horizon for three days. Then it begins its journey on December 25, lighting up a new path, toward its northernmost point, set to arrive on the Summer Solstice.

Another gift is shared from nature–showing us the balance between movement and stillness, before we too begin our journey of movement afresh in the New Year.

Such wise teachers, the earth & sun! Wishing you the best in your times of movement and stillness and new beginnings!