Welcome to food for thought & heart

Hello Friends,

Culturally and globally, some great big agents of Change have come along to do their thing. They didn’t knock on the door. They flung it wide open.

So here we are, learning to be present, perhaps even graceful, in the Unknown. Here we are, in the cocoon, unsure of what our new shape will be when we emerge.

Take heart through this phrase: “Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known.”

We are not the first humans to sense a deep shift into something new. The quote above was written by Blaise Pascal, a 17th century French mathematician, physicist, inventor, writer, and philosopher!

Here we are in this place and time, changing, and exploring the realm of transformation.

Perhaps the new emerging on the inside of us is meeting an equally new field of change on the outside of us. It is as though the very atmosphere in which we live is reverberating and holding expanded possibilities. Such a gift—this merging which yields broadened horizons and potential.

Take care of you. Lift up in breath. Remember that ‘now is not the time to cling to the shore.’ A family of kindred spirits awaits us in the middle of the river. The water knows what we do not and will take us, with great care, to our horizon of change.

Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known.”

 Beth Bando

© 2022